
Tuesday 22 October 2019


I visited a mind, body and Spirit festival with a colleague/friend over the weekend, and the crystal that I was most drawn to is this Chalcopyrite, Peacock Ore. It was the shape and the colour that drew my attention to it, as if it was saying "Pick me". It is quite a heavy rock for it's size, it is what I would call "substantial", "solid as a rock".

The business card that came with it mentions how it is an excellent stone for meditation - state of no mind. A stone of abundance as a state of mind, creativity, flexibility and innovation. Used to guide you to find new friendships and any "lost items".

It is written on Wikipedia that it is mainly found in Australia and Canada. While I was carrying this little rock with me I came across a woman that was offering people a card, and we ended up having a conversation about Australia when I was at the same event with Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dwyer, Louise Hay, and James and Salle Redfield (among others) in Sydney.

The card that I picked, said. "Life is inviting you to experience a whole new level of happiness, healing, prosperity, success, and love" with an affirmation of "I open my mind and say YES to life". 

My friend said, "You always have an open mind". After that I asked if I could pick a card for a friend in London and she replied, "It doesn't work like that", I responded, that I would still like to try. The card that I picked for a friend was all about "stress", "tension" and the "neck" and that made a lot of sense, because I was also feeling it physically. 

I then looked for a massage therapist at the festival and chose a man to give the healing massage to my neck and shoulders. The man had a very strong accent so I wondered where he was from. 

So after the massage I asked him, and he said that he had spent much of his life in Canada and had returned to England ten years ago. I have now been able to give a recommendation to others that require his help to release tension and stress from their bodies. I do hope that my friend in London calls him to arrange a visit at home or at the office. 

It wasn't until I got home that I did some research on the Chalcopyrite Peacock Ore, to look at it's origins and where it is found. Some people refer to it as the "Stone of Happiness". It is quite heavy to carry around so I shall keep it on my computer desk for the time being. Although I have a strong intuition that it will be going on top of my art chest with the Tibetan singing bowl. 

I view the experiences of Saturday as synchronicity and divine providence and it began with the purchase of the Chalcopyrite. I hope that you had a great weekend too, and that you have a fabulous week. As we know change is the only constant. 

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