
Thursday 24 October 2019

NEW Moon in Scorpio 27th October

New Moon in Scorpio on the 27th of October, in this RED October, 2019. Lots of new things happening in the new phase of living life in my realm. New moon, a new cycle of time, divine providence that my new car number plate has the numeric of TEN in it. As that is the numeric of new cycle of time.

How about you? Are you planning to do anything new or different for the next few months?

Do you plan a quarter ahead? I usually have quarterly health plans, I plan for a quarter, and what is going to be in my health plan for three months ahead, that helps with the monthly budget.

My nutrition and supplements are usually different in the winter months. I prioritise in advance to help me to stay on track. Food wise I stock up for the winter time, to ensure that I've got everything that I might require.

Today I bought some lovely white ceramic pans from the charity shop, some more pyrex, and a large rug as new. Home improvements still happening and that reminds me of the dream that I had recently with my mum and a Taurus friend in it, they were both so happy. I've got to get a new freezer, new curtain pole, and the ducting for the cooker hood. Plus hoping to book a holiday in the sunshine.

This new moon will be the most significant for the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Being in Scorpio it is bound to be very intense, Scorpio likes intensity, how deep is your love? They often express their love physically and are known for it. Different signs express themselves differently, people are not all the same.

The 27th is the "Day of Impulse" so you might find yourselves doing something on the spur of the moment, sudden burst of inspiration, compelled to take action. Scorpio has tenacity, they usually keep things very close to their chest, they are deep, as deep as the ocean. Pulse time and that reminds me of when we have acupuncture and they take our pulse.

Some years back a friend that was a Scorpio, he told me he was going abroad with his new English lady and that was the last time that I heard from him. Although my personal contact information has changed since we last spoke on Skype. Wherever he is and whatever he is doing, I wish him the very best.

So if you have any close friends that are any of the fixed signs, this would be a good time to pay them a visit to exchange, share and impart ideas together. A great time for a meet up and networking. I'm being shown that there is going to be some celebratory news coming, things are moving forward and that is always great to hear and see. Do you have clear hearing? Are you clairaudient? Do you hear Spirit speaking to you?

People love to hear the good news and the good news is spreading like me spreading the paint. I am planning to have my hair done in the next few days too, it's a long time since I've seen that lovely Shiatsu practitioner who also cuts my hair. My mum is so happy that I am driving again and I must admit, it does feel good, the feel good factor of being completely independent once more. Living life regained with a new cycle of time. Close friends are also joyous about it.

Last weekend I picked a lovely card at a festival and it says, "Life is inviting you to experience a whole new level of happiness, healing, prosperity, success and love". "I open my mind and say YES to life." I think I shall be saying that every time I get in my car, "YES, Red October."

It is certainly a month that I shall always remember, my life has been transformed. There is a time in life to lay down your own life for others, and there is a time to pick up your life again, my fast is over. This rock that I bought last weekend is amazing, I've put it on my art chest with my Tibetan sound bowl.

All I require now is for someone to send me a red Trump hat to go with my red car, I've got a yellow vest all ready for 2020 too. I'm going to give yellow vests to people for Christmas this year, just for fun.

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