
Friday 11 October 2019


He always has me food shopping just prior to a Jewish holiday, after I got home from shopping yesterday, he spoke, "HASHEM".  So it is a Jewish holiday, and I bought pastries for the neighbours and their children.

Sukkot begins on the 13th of October, 2019 until the 20th of October. The Feast of Tabernacles.

Then this morning I received two dreams, the first dream had a Christian grandmother in it, and the second dream had a Jewish grandmother in it. The dreams were about refurbishment, and they included sturdy furniture that can last a lifetime. The dreams indicated that there were celebrations coming and contentment with what had been achieved.

When a sincere faith lives in the grandmother, it lives in her daughter and her grand-daughter. My gran was an amazing woman. It's interesting that after I was born, as a baby I would suck lemons, people thought my taste buds were really strange. Yet, the soul knew what the body required for it's health. When I was born, the scientists hadn't yet discovered the existence of Vit K and it's importance for the brain assimilating Vit C. New discoveries about the body are often being made.

What else is happening on the 13th? It is a full moon in Aries. At the same time as Venus is in Scorpio until the 1st of November. So it is a powerful time, intense, very energetic, great movement, so see where the movement is taking you in your life and what you are inspired to do.

Sometimes we are called to inspire others to have tenacity, to be strong, be courageous, live the truth, be direct, have clarity, be pragmatic. Enjoy the celebrations Israel.

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