
Friday 11 October 2019


Last night, I heard the word HASHEM spoken and it is Jewish holiday on the 13th-20th of October. I had stocked up with food yesterday. He likes me to eat, he's happy when I am eating. Last night I had duck with veg because it was greatly reduced in price.

Then this morning, I had two dreams and in both dreams internal decorations were being carried out with refurbishment. Furniture had been positioned whilst preparing the rooms.

In the first dream I was preparing a bedroom for my Christian mother, and she loved the internal decorations and furniture, she was really happy to see what I was doing for her. It was a strange dream to have as my mum passed over in 2005. I can only think that she is pleased at the changes that I am making at home as I have been engaged with internal decorations. Structure also relates to the Saturn in Capricorn transit so it is a great time for DIY and refurbishment.

Then in the next dream I was preparing a room for an elderly Jewish friend, both rooms from both dreams were in my house.

In dream interpretation, to dream of internal or external decorations indicates that there are celebrations coming. If you dream of the placement of sturdy furniture as I did, it can mean future contentment.

These dreams reminded me of scripture.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am". John 14:1-3

This painting opened automatically on screen today.

Also after I received both of the dreams, my new office chair arrived. The massage chair that is remote controlled, it also gives heat to the back. Of course I ordered RED, because it is RED October.

This week I had some acupuncture, and after five months of experiencing pins and needles in my left arm, it appears to have cleared. That's tenacity for you during the Venus in Scorpio transit, although I've also had an x-ray and we should get the results in the next two weeks.

I'd tried deep tissue massage and chiropractic treatment to clear it, it was the acupuncture that appears to have resolved it. I've also been using healing oils on my feet.

What else arrived today, flags and bunting in preparation for the BREXIT celebrations.

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