
Sunday 13 October 2019


It is Venus in Scorpio transit until the 1st of November 2019, for yours truly that means having tenacity and being pragmatic with my love. Today is the first day of the Jewish holiday Sukkot and it is also full moon in Aries. Hence, it is lighting up time.

My day really began with some housework, harvesting food that I have grown and having lunch. I had some chicken that I had cooked last night in garlic, carrots, parsnips, pearl barley, red capsicum, red chilli's, home grown red tomatoes. Cooked in the oven. It was accompanied by sliced potatoes cooked in cheese and double cream. 

13th October, 2019 

Some of my homegrown capsicum harvest picked today 
from my healing room. 

I had my bath afterwards; during it I put on a healing cream that I have made for my head and the cream includes sandalwood. Sandalwood oil is great if you are experiencing any skin issues. Although I put other remedies and oils in it too, it is a special combination cream remedy that I am working with to see how successful it is.

A little neighbour asked for healing today, so I let her choose what healing oil she would like for her eye that was swollen and red due to a sty.

Out of all of the oils that I have the 9 year old chose Sandalwood. I placed some oil on my left hand and wrapped my hand over her eye as we laid to rest so that she could receive the heat through my Reiki hand.

The child could feel the heat from my most sensitive hand and she became very sleepy in my arms of love. She even began snoring for a little while, it was lovely to see her so peaceful.

It was the first time that she had received healing from these hands, and I shared the story with her of how I had worked with a child that had a very high fever in the Canaries. How the fever reduced in temperature so that the child was out of the danger zone health wise. He will be all grown up now as he had just started secondary school the last time that I was in the Canaries teaching Reiki.

She definitely enjoyed the healing that she received and so did I enjoy giving the healing oil and Reiki. I sense that the children are calling out for the healing that loving kindness can bring. For as Jesus the Jewish healer said, "Bring the children unto me".

For it is written in scripture that "There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise". Proverbs 21:20. So a very peaceful start to Sukkot holidays in my life this year and as we know the healing oils are mentioned in the bible.

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