
Saturday 26 October 2019


The paint was spread last night for a friend that lives in London, he's a real Londoner, like me, two peas in a pod. 

So I shall call the painting "Funky Londoner". While spreading the oil paint it looked blue, it is actually Viridian, with an orange acrylic. Two different types of paint, two different colours, size A3 on card. 

When I paint for a person I tune into that person on a sensory level and I paint what I am sensing with my clear sensing. My energy is totally focussed on the person that I am painting for while I am spreading the paint. It is also known as "Clairsentience" in spirituality. Clairsentience is different to "intuition". 


October 2019

It is all happening in London at this time, with BREXIT, and UKIP, we real Londoners support both. Gerard Batten is also a real Londoner, and so is Richard Braine. 

The vote is on for the members of UKIP in this Red October, for the real patriots, we have England's flag in our hearts, yea, the flag of St George. 

As I understand it people are gathering in London for the 31st of October, 2019, for BREXIT, and the stores are full of pumpkins. So will you be eating pumpkin pie and pumpkin seeds? 

Pumpkin seeds are great for manganese, in the world of film and publishing, the pumpkin turned into a carriage for transportation. So be upbeat my funky friend, stay positive, we have plenty to be thankful for and your part in it has been crucial. 

It is now a new year in the life of my funky friend, hence a new painting to celebrate it. For you it is now a time for spiritual transformation, as you are in an 8 year. So let the beautiful transformation of you and your life begin, embrace it with your open arms of love. 

Allow the love to permeate your being from head to toe, for love is a liberator and when you truly liberate your love, it is a key to life for the redeemed that are led in strength to his holy dwelling. 


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