
Saturday 26 October 2019

Dancing Squirrel

I saw a lovely Squirrel this week dancing on the wall opposite me, first it was going away from me and then it turned around and came back towards me and the oak tree. The oak tree is probably where it lives.  Squirrel looking for the acorns from the tree. Although dancing on top of the garden wall was also for exercise.

Grey squirrels don't like to fight, and will do everything they can not to get into a confrontational situation, although they are very sociable. I have fed the squirrels from my hand during my life.

I always enjoy seeing wildlife in the garden. Although as the winter draws in I will have to put some seeds out for the birds and their friends.

Ted Andrews, author of "Animal-Speak" shared with us that the keynote for Squirrel is activity and preparedness, they are masters of it. The cycle of time is one year. If you have a squirrel has your totem animal, then you learn best by doing rather than by studying.

Are you as disciplined as a squirrel? When the squirrel scampers into your life it is time to examine your own activity and preparedness, especially this time of year, when we prepare for the wintertime. It can also remind you that it is time to put on a warmer coat because the weather can turn quickly now.

So are you warm enough? Is your home cosy and insulated? What exercise will you enjoy in the wintertime, how will you keep yourself physically fit? Will you dance like the Squirrel, collect some food and ensure that you do enough and have enough for the next quarter? Can you plan ahead, for a quarter at a time to aid your budget for the next year? How prepared are you for the year ahead?

What activities do you have planned? Remember the saying, "Always be prepared".

After I saw the Squirrel I had to book an appointment with the hospital and I chose the Oaks. I've only now associated seeing the squirrel with that booking.

Change is definitely coming with a new beginning, very soon. Now that I have transport, life opens up different and new opportunities to enjoy.

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