
Saturday 26 October 2019


In this address, at the Cambridge Union, Dr Jordan Peterson shares that he worked on a UN committee for two years. The highly respected Canadian academic had the opportunity to read all of the literature on climate change science.

What pinged out for me after listening to him speak for the second time since this video was uploaded in 2018 was thus:

Peterson spoke of how the UN have a list of goals, but they're not goals its a wish list. To have goals you have to prioritise and I totally agree with him on that fact. That is exactly what a successful business person does, we prioritise to achieve our goals.

In that respect, Jesus also prioritised, so the Christians that read this might like to consider the consequences of his choice of priorities. His priorities became my priorities and that is why and how I became the healer and self-development facilitator that he helped me to become.

As far as Peterson talking about the importance of helping the poor to become environmentally aware. It was a lovely surprise for yours truly, that it happened naturally when this healer worked with them intensely.

Help the people to heal their lives and their views of everything changes. However, it is imperative that they know what their human rights are, and that is one of the first things that I gave them, a copy of the Universal Declaration Article 19, on Freedom of Speech.

I was invited to go to the UN to present my proposals for a "New Empowerment Model" that I had designed and implemented with young families in 2002 successfully.  Alas after various phone calls to the UN in New York, the proposal didn't fit into any of their existing departments at that time.

So I made a business decision, not to go to UN, as my priorities and goals were clearly different to the UN, and how they were choosing to fund their different departments activities. The UN just didn't have an appropriate department at that time for the empowerment work that I was engaged in.

Maybe this Aquarian was ahead of time, as we are known to be. Ahead of the trends in different timelines. In 2019, I see a lot of people talking about "Empowerment" although it is rare to find a person that really knows what that means in the true sense of the word and actions thereof.

An empowered person takes their power back and any teacher that has been successful at it becomes redundant with those that they have taught, job done. Sadly, Dr Peterson has been in rehab recently after giving his power away to mind-altering pharmaceuticals that took a hold of him.

I'm sure that his experiences have been humbling for the Professor of Clinical Psychology, although he is aware of the extent of human fragility. Peterson will be back with some different views, as I'm sure his depth of experience will increase his repertoire. It has certainly been a time of how deep is your love because love can impact upon your health in different ways.  Best wishes to him and his lovely Canadian family, his supporters are looking forward to his return.

In your personal lives prioritise, I prioritise with health plans for a quarter at a time. With your neighbours prioritise if they require your help. In your public life prioritise, be prepared.

In UKIP we have many people that have run their own businesses, we prioritise. As members, our  priority is to take power back from the NEC so that everyone can be empowered members of UKIP.

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