
Monday 2 September 2019

13th of September "Day of Passionate Care"

There is a full moon in mid September in Pisces and I have Venus in Pisces. The 13th of September is the "Day of Passionate Care, and the 14th of September is the "Day of Perceptive Critic", both days come prior to the "Day of Mastery".

So it is interesting that Boris Johnson is talking about throwing money at the NHS, education and law and order. The Tories are trying to show that they care about our people, at the same time as being critics of those that are trying to stop Brexit. Boris says it is the biggest investment in the last ten years. Clearly, the Tories are trying to save their party!

With the full moon in Pisces it will certainly be a very sensitive and intensive time, on a relational level of being. The water sign and the fish swimming often reminds yours truly of the two fish symbol, one fish following the other fish, head to tail forming a circle. The two fish being a male and a female fish reminds yours truly of the beautiful ancient mosaic in Israel that was excavated.

Of course our fisheries and fishing waters are something that our fishermen and patriots feel very passionate about.

Full moons can often indicate the completion of something in your life, so that you can move on to the new. So for instance, I shall be having a medical tomorrow and it is likely that I could get the results around the time of the full moon and that would complete the cycle.

On the day of passionate care, you could think about your lives and what it is that is coming to a conclusion for you. Jupiter in Sagittarius too, and Jupiter is the planet of expansion, in the sign of the traveller, my ascendent sign.  So you could be planning a journey at this time, a holiday, or just spreading your wings further afield.

Some people don't like Friday the 13th, although I usually enjoy it, as I was born on the 13th day and the Jewish sages said that whomever comprehends the numeric of 13, will have power and dominion.

Today, there is a lovely quote from Chabad and it is called "Resilience".

"Success, in the higher scheme of things, is when a soul that has alienated herself returns. It is the ultimate demonstration of her resilience and her depth. No matter how distant she may travel, in the end she can never tear herself away. For the soul and her Beloved are one!".

In Judaism it is the month of Elu

What I find is that every time I do something that pleases the LORD, a blessing arrives straight afterwards. In doing our heavenly Father's will, he appreciates the effort that we put in and acknowledges it. He does care passionately for our patriots, far more than the Tories do.

I heard at the weekend at a BBQ that dear Tommy Robinson will be leaving prison soon and I was very pleased to hear the news that his release is very soon.

When your heart and mind is totally aligned, you might even find it written in your hand, so take a look to see what you can see in your hands, what is linking the heart and mind lines in your palms? I found the letter W in my right hand earlier today, so do look and learn what is being shown to you because the lines in yours hands do change.

A Mercury/Venus conjunction, and Mercury impacts upon communications, I have Mercury in Gemini in my birth chart, Gemini the great communicators, especially when compelled by the heart.

This is another lovely song for the "Day of Passionate Care".


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