
Tuesday 3 September 2019

China -v- Trump

During the night I had a nightmare of the Chinese trying to kill us all including me.

Then I saw President Trump and he was in a very large washing machine circular shape and he was fighting to get out of it, he did get out of it. It was like a huge turbine.

In dream interpretation to see people trying to kill people means that there will be a change that is not to your liking. I thought it strange that I had this nightmare because I hadn't been looking at Chinese politics for months.

Most people relate China with communism and the last thing that I did last night prior to bed was read an article on Kipper Central and it was about how the lefties are fixing government petitions against BREXIT by making numerous email addresses so that they can vote numerous times.

Also people only have to tick that they are a British citizen for them to vote, as such, providing no proof that they are.

China and communism e.g. the globalists.

To dream of a washing machine can indicate an unexpected vacation or change of location. Dreaming of a famous person can indicate that you will get help from an unexpected source.

If your dream involved political campaigning it means added responsibilities with inadequate compensation. Our activists that are campaigning for what is right in our countries receive no payment for what they do, whereas we have proof that those that are standing against our countries in our countries are working for NGO's and are paid employees. Avaaz is an example of that.

Even President Trump doesn't take a salary for the job that he does and just look at what he has to contend with to get his job done.


4th of September, Telegraph news is that investment banks are backing Corbyn. Just shows you how many communist and globalists there are.

The dream indicated that there would be a change that would not be to my liking, as we know parliament has voted against Boris Johnson and "No Deal". Although there is a petition for a "No Deal" Brexit signed by the people. Last time I looked over 74,500 people had signed that petition.

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