
Monday 2 September 2019


Avaaz is an American NGO, and Mike Baillie works for the George Soros backed organisation. This link gives you some information on Avaaz. One of the founders of Avaaz is an American Liberal Democrat Tom Perriello. In 2008, Canadian conservative minister John Baird labelled Avaaz a "shadowy foreign organisation", tied to billionaire George Soros.

Mike has been campaigning in London against our democracy that we voted for when British people voted to leave the EU. He's also campaigning against Boris Johnson and the suspension of parliament that Boris asked the Queen to implement and the Queen agreed to it.

It is not the first time that parliament has been suspended, apparently, John Major did it too. It is Elizabeth's parliament so she can do what she chooses to do in our constitution.

Mike Baillie comes from Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, so why does he even have a vote in the UK? Apparently, he's a Jeremy Corbyn supporter. Prior to Corbyn becoming leader of the Labour Party, he was also anti-EU, it just goes to show how Labour politicians change their tune when they get a little bit of power in parliament. It reminds me of the Liberal Democrat politicians that voted with the Tories against the disabled during the Cameron reign.

I don't think foreigners should be allowed to vote in our elections, and Mike Baillie should keep out of our way. This is our country and culture and we are defending our freedom to be free of the huge financial burden of the EU.

It begs the question how many more foreigners are campaigning against our constitution in London?

We knew during the BREXIT campaign that a lot of people that were standing against weren't even born in the UK.  Mike Baillie is further evidence of that fact.

I signed the petition today for a NO DEAL BREXIT on the government website.

It was after that - that I received the email from Mike Baillie via a news agency telling our people to contact their MPs, foreign NGO's and their staff are trying to stop BREXIT. My view is that infiltrators that are causing unrest amongst our people should be deported especially when they are working for foreign organisations.

We have to change our voting system in the UK. As it stands now, people receive paperwork to fill in on a regular basis asking who is living in the home whether it is rented or owned. After that ballot papers are sent to people that live in our country by the local councils.

What oversight is there on who the people are that are voting in our elections? How do the councils know whether the voters are qualified to vote, or whether they are illegal immigrants, or economic migrants? It's easy enough for people from other countries to descend upon our country, rent a place, then vote in our elections.

Prior to receiving a ballot paper, our councils should know whether the person receiving the registration is actually a bone fide British citizen and only British citizens should be able to vote in our elections in the UK.


In Summary: We have a political and constitutional crisis in the UK with foreign entities impacting on parliamentary decisions. The English patriots that have been defending our country and culture from cultural genocide, and the globalists intentions find themselves being opposed by paid workers from foreign entities and NGO's. Our country finds itself at war in a technological information war with the communists backed by Jeremy Corbyn and the Liberal Democrats in the UK and America.

American Trump supporters say the same about their country, people are being paid to campaign against President Trump causing unrest and division in their country. Our countries have been infiltrated and that is impacting upon our electoral process. We also have enough evidence from Project Veritas to know that Facebook and Twitter are also involved in it.

We can't even have a government petition in integrity these days, as Jeremy Corbyn supporters have been starting numerous email addresses so that they can vote numerous times. As such, petitions are being fixed and that is not democratic. The evidence is shown on this link.

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