
Saturday 10 August 2019

Sir Galahad

Last week while giving healing I was given Saint Galahad, yet he is known in the legends as Sir Galahad. He was predestined to receive the holy grail during his lifetime, and he did succeed, a brave and courageous knight that made a great oath.

The legends are featured in the "Matter of Britain", a body of Medieval literature. A patriot that cared deeply for his country, culture and people. It is not the first time that the name of a knight has been given, although this is the only the second time I've been given a knights name from the Arthurian legends in the last two decades that I remember.

In the Holy Grail legend, Galahad had the power to decide upon his future, he was given the divine right of choice and to choose wisely.

It is written that Galahad was inspired by heavenly love, (divine love that feeds the soul), this link says the man was inspired by spiritual fervour.

There is a great book on the Holy Grail that I can recommend it was written by Malcolm Godwin.

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