
Saturday 10 August 2019

Can the BBC tell the truth?

The BBC have announced the name of the winner in the UKIP leadership contest. Originally Richard Braine was going to stand and then when Gerard Batten said he was going to stand, Richard withdrew to be Gerard's campaign manager.

After that the NEC would not allow Gerard to stand so Richard took the honourable stance of standing again offering Gerard has his deputy on the ticket. Gerard Batten also gave his support to Richard and it has been called the "Braine Wave".

The BBC would have the general public believe that Gerard stood down due to the elections, that wasn't the case at all. Gerard Batten only agreed to be an interim leader for one year to save the party and when the year was up the new leadership election would be held. Gerard saved the party when no one else was willing to do so.

Congratulations to Richard Braine, a great victory.

BBC and the rest of the MSM please tell the truth.

Richard won with 53% of the vote, great news Richard, we won!

I received the news on the Kipper stream earlier today, the young kippers were wearing Braine hats during their discussion they said.

Interesting that the announcement was made on the 10th of August, 'The Day of Voice", certainly the membership have made their voice heard and Richard is a great people person that will make sure our voices are heard. It feels like a whole new era for UKIP, moving onwards and forwards together.

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