
Sunday 11 August 2019

Mysterious Rose Arrived

It has been incredibly windy in the UK, and during the afternoon I found that a single light pink rose bud had found it's way onto my doorstep. It looks like something that might of come out of a flower arrangement.

In floristry, a pink rose is symbolic of love, gratitude and appreciation, the mysterious rose, windswept to my front door on the 10th of August, "Day of Voice".

For two decades the rose has been an important symbol in my life, as it was two decades ago that I was given a message about the "Sisters of the Rose", and I was in Australia at the time. I was told that the sisters of the rose would come after the new millennium began.

I also associate the rose with the holy mother, a rose without thorns. Different coloured roses were  given and received, and the pink rose was given to a client during a remote soul retrieval healing session in 2002. A client that became a friend, David passed over in tragic circumstances in 2013. I associate the pink rose with David.

Is it a message from Spirit, definitely.

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