
Tuesday 6 August 2019

August 15 in Aquarius

Barbara Goldsmith in Greece gives us her view of the forthcoming full moon in Aquarius on the 15th of August, 2019. The Aquarius water bearer.

The 15th of August is the "Day of Royal Command", the numeric of 15 aligns with magical happenings, alchemical vibrations. It's a lucky number of blessings, happiness and shining the light for all to see. Associated with communications, public speaking, speeches, musical and creative dramatics on stage and screen. Magnetism and charisma. It can impact upon the giving of gifts, favours from others and increase in the financial situation.

This full moon comes in the Leo III week and it is the week of leadership, and those born in that week have the strength of being commanding, heroic, creative, the dynamic sphere.

Pam Gregory also shares her view of the energy being brought by the planets at this time, four planets will be in passionate Leo.

The weakness trait of Leo is that they can be "selfish" and they do like their own way in everything, especially when young, that is often the case with single-minded political leaders. Remember Obama is a Leo.

Aquarians are the opposite to Leo so finding the balance is essential at this time. Hence I anticipate some feisty clashes on the world stage between what some people would like to happen versus the reality checks delivered by the humanitarian Aquarius energy. Leo enjoys the drama, Aquarius enjoys solving whatever adversity is presented to them and it can be a culture shock in itself for those that are not used to digging deeply into the root causes.

We can anticipate some more dramatic shifts due to disclosures, and I do anticipate a lot more from Project Veritas on Silicone Valley, people are seriously waking up to the globalist agenda.

Being an Aquarian myself, I know that in the work sphere we can be perfectionists, everything has to be just right. Whereas in our private lives we're usually very laid back and easy going with the flow, different attitudes and views in different areas of our lives.

While working we don't like being interrupted, we don't like anyone trying to get in our way, work is work and business is business.

Although in home life nothing really phases us, unless it is something very serious that impacts upon our lives and habitat and you can view that in cultural terms too. Hence the patriots and supporting our veterans and patriots is very important at this time. The defence of our English culture, country, and protection of our English language is imperative. So it will be interesting to hear who the new UKIP leader will be, as the votes have to be in this week. My hope is on Richard Braine, I think he is the only candidate that other leaders would take seriously.

Aquarians don't like conforming to what others expect of them, nor do they work like others work and that can rock the boat that some people find difficult to understand. Remembering that the Aquarian is the most "misunderstood" sign in the zodiac.

The passive Aquarian in relationships and friendships, is pro-active in the work environment, way ahead of the competition, as the bible says wisdom cannot be compared with others. Aquarius energy is a pioneering Spirit, they thrive and prosper working with new challenges in different environments and realities.

We like change, change being the only constant. They like evolving spiritually, life affirming, for all that they come in contact with, for those that are brought into their life. Life enjoyed, experiences gained, passing the wisdom forward to help and defend others that on their own journey.

Donna Paige shares her view on this full moon in Aquarius. Donna shares that Venus isn't being seen at this time. Acceptance for who we are and the Aquarius energy is about not conforming to the globalists agenda. For yours truly, being an advocate is being pro-active and taking compassionate action.  Remember this that divine love feeds the soul, it is both passive and pro-active.

Have a great week everyone, this week we have a new leader of UKIP, Richard Braine, the Braine Wave has it is being called, we have a lot to celebrate and be thankful for. Come on you Celtic gals throughout the UK, let's get on with it.

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