
Sunday 4 August 2019

Mustard and Oregano Divine

While cooking this evening the heavenly Father spoke and he asked me to put a "little mustard" in with the purple beans and courgettes that I was cooking in a knob of butter, some olive oil and two cloves of garlic. I had grown the purple beans and courgettes in the garden, and I did have some mustard seeds in the kitchen on the old pine dresser.

After he asked for the "little mustard", that I took to mean a small amount of mustard seeds. He then asked for oregano, and I do have oregano drying in the kitchen. In the garden my oregano is beginning to flower so I had already pruned the oregano last week to give it more space to grow.

The word Oregano originates from Greek, "origanon", a compound Greek term of oros meaning "mountain", and "ganos" meaning "brightness", "brightness of the mountain".

So was Origen named after the herb or was the herb named after Origen?

Huge gains to be received from this divine message, huge gains to be received from mustard seeds and oregano together. Remember that in the biblical text Jesus also spoke about the mustard seeds and we know that small seeds metabolise the fastest in the body with great nutrients.

"The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed". 

Interesting that in the last couple of weeks I have also felt compelled to buy the mustard colour to wear, and yellow is a strong creative fire colour in Feng Shui in 2019 for yours truly.

I began wearing mustard last Friday, around the time of the new moon in Leo and new beginnings, although I bought some mustard coloured moccasin bootees in 2017.

I would also like my lounge painted the colour of mustard seeds, as it is a great yellow colour for creativity. Oregano is lovely too, when it flowers, the lavender coloured flowers arrive, same as chives their blossoms are also lavender in colour. I've put my chive blossoms in white wine vinegar and it has gone a lovely colour pink.

Please do your research on the importance of the seeds and  herbs for your nutrition and health, and do allow yourselves to be divinely guided whilst cooking. It is also a great idea to give children health and nutrition projects to do during the summer holidays. One project per week.

The Parable of the Mustard Seed, and it is written that Jesus said that the mustard seed is greater than the herbs. From humble beginnings great trees grow and Pliny wrote that the mustardis was beneficial for health. Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God being like a mustard seed, and so it is that is is healthy for you. Would he give his followers anything other than a healthy reality, of course it is about health for the mystical healer.

In the scripture the birds flock to the tree, they flock to the tree due to the healthy nutrients it provides.

There are plenty of traditional recipes on-line that include mustard seeds, although you might like to be creative and develop your own.

Correction to that video on the mustard seeds, scientists found that skin conditions were due to mutated genetics due to cuts in childhood, it also goes across generations when the skin has been cut.

Mutated genetics were also found to be a contributory factor in allergies. For the article on those facts please see the May, 2006 issue of New Scientist. I was reading it on my first flight to Israel and showed Israeli's the article.

It is a Jewish holiday until the 11th of August, Tisha B'Av.

Verse of the day, "The unfolding of your words gives light, it gives understanding to the simple". Psa 119:130 NIV.

August is the month for harvesting the mustard seeds, no coincidence is there!

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