
Sunday 4 August 2019

IBS Scientists say cause is more than a dozen different health conditions

The Daily Mail report that "last month in a review of 220 scientific papers, researchers at the British College of Nutrition and Health suggested that IBS was the result of not one, but more than a dozen different diseases and conditions. The 'catch-all term IBS was being used to describe illnesses that, when correctly diagnosed, require distinct treatment. 

Lead author, nutritionist Ben Brown, even went as far as to say the term IBS should be banned, to prevent years of unnecessary suffering. He added, 'Both doctor and the patient should be digging deeper, and trying to understand why they have these symptoms'. "

With people with IBS, I've found they are very fixed about what they will and will not eat, what they like and what they don't. It's very difficult to get them to even consider trying something that could improve what they are experiencing. Although I agree with the scientists on this one, that there are underlying causes that have to be examined too.

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