
Friday 23 August 2019


In the recent dream of puppies this week, the numeric of four was prominent.

I came across this American band yesterday, FOURPLAY some great jazz that is great for the nervous system. Soothing music if you are not feeling very well. I'm not posting too much right now as I am not feeling too great. Awaiting urgent referrals and in the meantime taking Co-dydramol to get me through the day.

Friends in Spirit are very close, they always come close if and when I am not feeling my best. This painting indicates the importance of the lavender healing oil, lavender and geranium is wonderful if you are having difficulty sleeping due to the pain that you are experiencing. My left ear is suffering and I am unable to chew, so not feeling very hospitable. Don't feel like cooking or doing much at all.

Last week I was sent to the walk-in clinic, and A&E, no further forward due to the referrals that are required. It feels like an infection and all I was given was a spray. I do have some Tea-Tree oil from Australia and some Eucalyptus that I could try. Tea-Tree oil is brilliant for jaw ache and ear ache.

A colleague also recommended trying a garlic poultice for the infection.

Fourplay, El Debarge - After The Dance 

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