
Saturday 24 August 2019


While in the garden on Friday morning while looking at the purple beans and tomatoes while watering, I received this message.


Tomatoes and beans both have electrolytes that are electrically charged minerals. They help to balance fluids in the body. There are different types of electrolytes and they include:


This link provides a list of 25 foods that replenish electrolytes in the body. Electrolytes are vital for health and survival as they spark cell function throughout the body. The link provides a list of symptoms that you might experience if you're not having enough electrolytes.

This is the second year that I tried to grow beans and it has been more successful this year as I put the beans in a different position where they received a lot more sunshine. The purple beans have provided a more abundant harvest than the borlotti beans.

What is interesting is that the research shows that Latino's are living longer than Americans because Latino's eat nearly three times the amount of beans than Americans do. I do like beans, different types of beans. Baked beans, red kidney beans, butter beans, borlotti beans. Although as you can see from the link above there is a large range of foods that you can choose from, beverages too. 

A friend mentioned that he is suffering from kidney stones and the medical science that I looked at shows that not enough electrolytes can be the cause of that. So make sure that you are getting enough minerals and electrolytes. 

I have a checklist of what I have to eat and beans are on my list. 

Electrolytes are another reason that it is important to drink fluids even when you might not be feeling well enough to eat. It is also important that people have the food that they like from that list, because if you are happy when you eat and drink for your health, your body will be too, as long as your body receives what it requires to function to its optimum level. 

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