
Sunday 16 June 2019


Father's Day on the 16th of June, 2019.  This year it is on the "Day of Trinity".

While bathing I was shown two oblong shapes in black, one smaller than the other. The larger of the two oblong shapes was door shaped, the smaller of the two was overlapping the larger shape. 

If you see a black door shape it can indicate that you are being protected by those that love you, it can also indicate that there will be understanding of a mystery that is yet unknown. Blocks of colour do have meaning although sometimes you have to be patient until such time as the reason that you are being shown it unfolds. 

This happened on the "Day of Trinity", in the Christian calendar, and the Christian Eastern orthodox monks wear black. The Jewish orthodox also wear black. We usually think of the colour black as a colour of mourning, and an American friend did pass over in June 2010. Michael was born in South Africa, and he is mentioned in the book of Daniel. He made me smile after he passed over, he showed me his black foot and said he was coming back as a "Black Foot" native American indian.  

There has also been the passing of Franco Zeffirelli on the 15th of June, 2019.

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