
Monday 17 June 2019


Investigative journalist, Katie Hopkins launched her latest documentary about our European homelands and how people don't recognise their countries and culture anymore due to immigration.

The documentary is introduced by Janice Atkinson MEP.

During the documentary you will hear from people in England, France, Italy and Israel.

English people say that they feel like second class citizens living in England now and English people are outnumbered in many towns and cities. English people have become a minority in our own culture in some locations.

During the documentary Katie also speaks to one of our Sikhs, and he says that he is allowed everywhere although not in the mosque! It was the same when I went to Israel, I was allowed inside  the synagogue in Safed but I wasn't allowed in the mosque in Jerusalem.

In France, 80% of prisoners are Muslims, and one Muslim woman reports that in France there are now cafes where only men are allowed to go. Hard to believe that the French would ever allow that to happen in France.

A Jewish couple that left France and moved to Israel said that in France, the French Jews say that "the pessimists ended up in Hollywood with swimming pools, and the optimists ended up in concentration camps". 

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