
Friday 3 May 2019

Tommy Physically Assaulted Police Did Nothing

This is what happened in Warrington, England while Tommy was campaigning to become an MEP. Tommy was "physically assaulted" numerous times and the police did nothing about it. In this video Tommy shares what happened in Warrington, at the end of the video he also shares the great welcome he was given by other people that support him and his mission.

I cannot condone the police that do nothing to stop the "political persecution" of any man or woman.

I cannot condone "political persecution", not now, not ever. People in our country have been arrested for speaking truth to power, people have even been arrested for saying, "I do wish you would speak English".

Yet, the police did not arrest the people that assaulted Tommy. It's become the political correct police force and I've stood against the P. C. Brigade for 20 years on-line, I stand for human rights and freedom of speech law article 19. Tommy also stands for freedom of speech.

I knew there was going to be some kind of attack because this painting showed it to me. I also discovered from Gerard Batten's website that Paul Joseph Watson's Facebook has been removed. Of course, the American platform had already removed Tommy's Facebook page, and he was removed from Twitter, that means that the Americans are actively closing down freedom of speech on social media to influence the outcome of our elections.

I shall call this painting "Political Persecution". "Political Persecution" is one of the reasons that people don't and are not willing to engage in politics. I think that is one of the reasons my mother did her utmost to push her daughter towards spirituality rather than politics that my dad was engaged with. Although my dad, the Son of Joseph was true to the founding principles of the Labour Party's founder, the socialist, Keir Hardie was against emigration and immigration.

I understand that is why dad refused to move out of central London and was against our country being ruled by the EU. My view is that both the Tories and the Labour Party have paid heavily at the ballot box for their persecution of the people that has been allowed to go on for far too long. People are waking up more and more.


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