
Thursday 2 May 2019


I had a dream this morning.  In the dream I could hear the gardeners with their grass cutters and I said, "Quick, move the containers so that they can cut all of the grass". Then when I got up to look at what they'd done, they'd only cut half of the grass, so half of the grass was really, really long, it was knee length. 

In dream interpretation, to dream of cutting or mowing grass can indicate "some sad news is coming".  In the dream someone else was cutting and mowing the grass so the news can be about other people. The short and long grass was healthy, half and half in length. 

If you were speaking in the dream it can indicate an improved status in social position and/ or business. 

The grass is mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy, "Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants". Deuteronomy 32:2 

"I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like popular trees by flowing streams" Isaiah 44:3-4


"As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you, and you will be comforted over Jerusalem. When you see this, your heart will rejoice, and you will flourish like grass". Isaiah 66:13-14 

In spiritual symbology grass can relate to usefulness of the people and in the bible the grass is fed to the cows. Turf and lawns indicates the native land, England pastures green is my native land upon which I was ordained to be born. A handful of grass can signify victory. In Roman symbology, a crown of grass was awarded to a military hero or saviour. 

The 2nd of May, is the "Day of Observation" and that always reminds yours truly of the teachings delivered by Archangel Michael on observations during the Rev 12 timeline.  

Today the builders came and they were admiring my garden when I opened the door, they were admiring how I had made use of the space and what I have been growing. 

I've just been reminded of another aspect of the dream this morning. The police came to my door and they were looking for a young neighbour who had disappeared, and they were asking me if I had seen him and when was the last time that I saw him. 

In dream interpretation if someone disappears it can mean there will be something to overcome. Police in a dream is a dream of contrary, in dreams police are a symbol of security, it can signify that you will get unexpected help with something. 

Interesting that today, is the elections in the UK, County Council elections, and local council elections. The police have suffered huge budget cuts due to the Tories, so I think our policeman will be looking for a change of politicians in the region. 

In our region the Tories are planning to cut even more frontline services and increase taxes. Basically, local government isn't being given the money from central government that they used to receive, so they've been selling of public assets to fund their plans. It's not just in our area either, it's happening in all of the Tory controlled councils. 

When I vote I have my hand on my heart of conscience, do you? 

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