
Thursday 2 May 2019


Steve Judd shares about the planetary energies for May, 2019. He also mentions that today is a rare day in the planetary configuration. Interesting that I had a dream this morning.  In the dream I could hear the gardeners with their grass cutters and I said, "Quick, move the containers so that they can cut all of the grass". Then when I got up to look at what they'd done, they'd only cut half of the grass, so half of the grass was really, really long, it was knee length. 

In dream interpretation, to dream of cutting or mowing grass can indicate "some sad news is coming".  In the dream someone else was cutting and mowing the grass so the news can be about other people. The long grass was long and healthy, half and half. 

If you were speaking in the dream it can indicate an improved status in social position and/ or business. 


During the video about May, Steve also mentions the third week of February in 2026. 26 is the gematria of YHWH, and it is found in 26 different verses. 2+6 = 8 = Spiritual transformation, and 2+2+6 = 10 = new cycle of time. February is also the month of my Aquarian birth. 

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