
Sunday 5 May 2019


Yesterday, on the 4th of May, 2019, I received this message, "MAKESHIFT", the 4th of May was also a new moon and it's in Taurus the Bull, the homemaker. I was cooking my dinner at the time of receiving the message and the 4th of May was the "Day of Support". 


So what was I cooking? Saute potatoes in olive oil, butter, garlic and fresh rosemary. Aubergine cooked in garlic with red onion, red capsicum, celery and tomatoes, with a splash of balsamic vinegar. Served with a lamb chop, I was in the kitchen at the time of the heavenly Father saying, "Makeshift".


When we think of the word "Makeshift", it can make us think of a temporary situation as in make do for now as this timeline that you are in and where you are living isn't going to be a permanent situation. Make do with what you have, and enjoy it. Making do is something that the working class have always had to do, although things can and do change in our lives.

Another aspect can be when county councils repair a road as a temporary remedy to save money, then it costs more in the long run. That's exactly what I have said to builders in the past, it's only going to cost you more in the long run, do the job properly in the beginning. It might cost more now, but it will be better in the end as it will have longevity, length of days, last days.


I don't think the current political landscape will stay the same for a long time, there is a lot of makeshift going on although there was a rare planetary alignment on the 2nd of May, 2019 on the day of our local elections in the UK. There are also some local elections happening on the 23rd of May, and there is a by-election in June also.

It is clearly the end of the two-party system in the UK and I think that is good in this interim period prior to the next general election. I think that democracy has opened up in different ways on the political scene and although a lot of people don't like the Greens, I don't think that they do any real harm, although 5g does.

Hence I think it is a good thing to have at least one Green on all of the councils and county councils. It is important that all views are represented on the councils and not a limited few. Interesting that on the morning of the election in the UK I had a dream of green grass. So I wasn't surprised that the greens made some headway politically. 200 seats was a good result for the Greens.


The fact that the Greens made headway in the recent election with 200 seats across the country does show us that people are becoming more environmentally aware on how much the environment impacts on their health.

Health was a major issue for the electorate along with "crime and the economy". Although the media would have you believe that it was all about Brexit. It certainly was a protest vote, and those that put the effort in to vote in the council elections are usually serious voters.


The fact is the smaller parties and independents combined managed to obtain more seats than the Liberal Democrats overall, so it wasn't even a swing to a third party.  I do think it is the end of any party ever having a majority again the UK, as I have said previously, prior to the election, I think governments in our country will have to get used to the idea of having coalition governments.

Some people were very cross over the fact that there was so few Brexit candidates to vote for, and UKIP only had candidates standing in 16% of the seats. It was also a very low turn out overall. So to those that complain perhaps they should consider standing in the next election rather than expecting others to do it all for them.

At least Tommy has had the courage to go on the campaign trail as an independent. The police visiting Tommy. The police that tweeted in favour of the radical Muslim that threw a milkshake over Tommy should get the sack. They're meant to protect candidates that have received "death threats" not encourage the radical Muslims. As Jesus said prior to the Freedom Day last year, "Never leave me alone".

Why would anyone ever go near Nigel Farage again, just goes to show you that some people just can't get beyond personality and celebrity politics that arrived like an American plague in the UK along with it's "Political Persecution" of candidates e.g. Tommy Robinson.

As far as we are aware the police still haven't arrested the people that "assaulted" Tommy in Warrington.  Are we surprised?

The BREXIT lawyer, barrister, Francis Hoar representing the people that have stood against the government and their delay of article 50 has said that no-one should stand in the EU elections at all.

The reason being that we legally left the EU on the 29th of March, 2019.


I discovered that there is a new charity in the UK with the name of Makeshift and it's website includes projects for urban regeneration that they fund. So if you have a project that you think Makeshift might be interested in, take a look at their website.

The English Makeshift charity reminds yours truly of the recent Peter the Elder dream as we were clearing up a disused building so that it could have a purpose in life again. At the end of the dream Peter the healer was going to Germany for a few days.

I've just watched an RT video on the EU elections and 50% of the voters in Germany don't even know who their candidates are. So why do the media keep the EU candidates hidden from the general public you might ask? Why don't the general public know who their candidates are in Europe?

My experience from the 80-90s is that our MEPs at that time were very close to the local business community, and our MEP was very busy networking in the business community to represent our local businesses in the EU.  The lady also received a lot of local media coverage, and in those days we still had local business magazines that featured local business news.

I think one of the issues is that many of the general public today, don't know what the MEPs actually do, and many of them don't even respond to emails sent to them on issues that the EU are involved in.

I think that is one of the reasons that some of the UKIP MEPs ran off after Nigel because some of the previous MEPs had not been reselected to stand for UKIP.

One thing that you can say about Gerard Batten is that he is a man of his word, an honourable man of integrity. A working class man that is a straight talker, he even said that he wouldn't accept the EU pension that he is entitled to receive for all the years that he has worked in the EU. You can't get much more principled than that!

So what would I be saying to the journalist at Jewish News? I'd be asking why she isn't talking about the fact that we know there was more than one shooter and a driver at one of the mosques in New Zealand, that's three people. I would also ask her why she is parroting the MSM narrative and why hasn't she done her own investigation of the event.

I asked the same of the local candidates in the recent election whether they knew about the children in care being sent out of the county to "solo homes", and the fact that at least one of those children was raped by over 50 Muslim men as reported by Andrew Norfolk from the Times newspaper.

Not only that but the county council has been charged £250,000 per year, per child. Who owns those "solo homes"? Financiers and finance companies getting richer upon the backs of our poor youth and our council tax payers. It's incredible that local councillors don't even know what is happening to the children. As I've said many times, turn your hearts to the children!

In Judaism, a makeshift building relates to the Jewish festival of Sukkah and this year it begins on the 13th of October, 2019 and that is the "Day of Dangerous Enemy" in numerics. So I think it is going to be a difficult year for Israel, maybe that's why Bibi asked me in dream state when I was returning to Israel prior to his re-election.

People often say to me "I am not religious", I respond that the word "religion" cannot be found in biblical Hebrew. I am often sent surveys asking what denomination I belong too, why do the survey senders not include all types of spirituality and why does anyone have to have attachment to any single reality? Jesus the Jew was against attachment to earthly realities that could hold people down, he was also against "entanglements" that can stop the spiritual journey that is available to all that step on the highway to holiness.

I was baptised a Christian, I was married in a different Church, does it matter which churches? Does it matter that I have some Jewish ancestry, to some people it does.

Does it matter that I live as naturally as possible? That I like to grow some of my own food, and like healing therapies that I also taught to those that wished to become healing practitioners. For that is what Jesus the Jew did too. As I was baptised in his name, it was appropriate for yours truly to live life as he lived it, spiritually, and there are many Jewish people living spiritually, in community, as he lived, in Israel.

What else is happening there is war in Israel, Gaza is firing rockets onto Israel, and Israel is responding. JP report that Twitter are refusing to give the IDF the opportunity to post updates. Twitter is censoring Israel and the IDF. 

Also Hamas have Russian weapons so the Russian Jews in the IDF won't be very happy about that.

The whole of Israel is on an emergency alert, as Israel anticipates rockets coming from Lebanon too, I don't think this is going to be over quickly in Israel this year and people are going to have to make a shift!

So what is he asking me to eat today, "BEANS", he is asking for beans. So what beans do I have in stock. I've got butter beans, red kidney beans and baked beans. Butter beans would go great with the aubergine dish that I made last night and it would go great with fish too.


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