
Wednesday 22 May 2019


The "Question Dream" was correct, the very next day something transpired a young person arrived on my doorstep and he fixed the washing machine for yours truly. The washing machine obstacle was overcome, the filter had to be cleaned out due to washing the rugs.

The woman asking the question in the dream looked like my godmother with her blonde hair.

One of my mother's strong attributes, plenty of WILLPOWER to overcome obstacles.

There was also something that she was wishing for me to find amongst the paperwork that has existed since her passing. It's time to get rid of the old paperwork and I have begun to do so.

I also found the scroll of remembrance that I was given in Israel in May, 2006, and some travel money from the second mission to Israel in 2007. 4 notes the currency is worth £26.

26 the same gematria as the name of YHWH.

While I was going through the paperwork a single glass of my mother's smashed.  I only kept one glass, the glass that she drank from, it was clear that it was time to stop drinking from her glass.

It is symbolic, the smashed glass, the last time a glass shattered in my home, was when a gentleman passed over, the exact time he left his body. He was a man that I had been able to extend his life, due to what I had seen in his eyes.

Something that I knew how to recognise because I had seen it previously in the eyes of an uncle when I was young. Family that my mother looked after and cooked for.

In the scripture the throne is surrounded in a sea of glass, clear as crystal. Rev 4:6. My mother collected cut crystal. The throne that is beyond the seventh heaven.

Mum and Dad at a wedding in London. 

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