
Thursday 23 May 2019

23rd May 2019 EU Election

Everywhere was very quiet today, I anticipated a low turn out of voters due to a lot of people having Brexit fatigue. I found that some people are also very cross that we are still discussing it and voting on it. I voted UKIP and batted for Gerard Batten UKIP MEP, the UKIP Leader that wrote the book on how to deliver Brexit.

I don't think it was a good idea for Nigel to ask the EU to extend article 50. Such a lot of money this has cost, all of the costs, all of the time and effort, when we've already had the referendum.

This is Islington Polling Station in London, very, very quiet.

The Cornwall local press are saying that it's like a desert. Other media have reported that EU nationals from other countries have not been allowed to vote due to not having the right paperwork. There is also 7 million people that are not registered to vote at all. 

The 23rd of May is the "Day of Attention". Other countries in the EU will be voting today and until Sunday. So we won't know the results until next week. 

One could call it "the night that England changed". 

I've seen plenty of UKIP and Tommy supporters on-line this evening in the Spirit of optimism. 


Theresa May has resigned, fantastic news! 

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