
Sunday 28 April 2019


Twitter have banned Carl Benjamin's MEP UKIP candidate Twitter platform for his campaign that was being run by the UKIP campaign team. Carl Benjamin is standing in the South West and has been on tour campaigning. The media don't like it that the Freedom of Speech activist, Carl Benjamin has a larger readership than they do. He also stands against political correctness that the globalists have been promoting for decades.

However, UKIP are getting plenty of national media coverage out of it.

Today, I listened and watched a film clip of a journalist telling Carl that the Wiltshire Police had given the journalist his private mobile number. That is in breach of UN Privacy laws, and Data Protection Law. I remember the days when the MSM used to be known as the "gutter press" in the UK.

Gerard Batten, the leader of UKIP warns the media that Carl Benjamin will be suing them. For regular updates on the situation see Gerard Batten's Twitter feed.

Twitter have also banned Tommy Robinson's campaign platform, Tommy is standing as an Independent candidate in the North West.

The media don't like it that Tommy has a larger readership and following than they do. As we know, Tommy stands against immigration in the Labour heartlands where many leave voters reside. Most of the leave voters in the heartlands voted to leave the EU due to wishing to stop mass immigration that is the cause of "cultural genocide".

It should be pointed out that the founder of the Labour party, Keir Hardie would definitely applaud young Tommy, and UKIP for standing against mass immigration because he also stood against immigration.  In fact, Hardie was against Scots leaving Scotland too. It just goes to show how far the socialists have gone in leaving the roots of their founder in the UK.


Today, Tommy had to turn around and go back home (he was on his way to Salford to continue his campaign) due to his family being threatened again, the MSM are not protecting Tommy and his family from political persecution. When in fact all the young guy is doing is speaking the truth to power about the "gruesome" facts of what has been happening in the UK.

The MSM have now engaged in a war of words against political candidates that they don't like, the MSM and their political bias is clear for all to see, the MSM are supporting and promoting the globalists like Nigel Farage and Nigel was doing deals behind closed doors in the EU.

Can you believe it that Nigel Farage actually asked for the EU to delay article 50 so that he could get his new party on display in the EU?  Some people have asked me how do I know this? Last week I was sent a report from the UKIP MEP, Stewart Agnew's office that was in the very same meeting,  he couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing. If you join UKIP, you will also receive the latest information, like I do, you will be as informed as I am.

Apart from that we know from Sir Bill Cash that a motion in parliament is not law. That is why Robin Tilbrook has taken the case to the High Court for a judicial review. The government were meant to respond to the High Court by the 17th of April at the latest. Legally, we actually left the EU on the 29th of March, 2019 and it is "illegal" in our constitution to delay it beyond that date.

So then you might ask why are we even having an EU election in the UK on the 23rd of May? Some Conservative campaigners are even refusing to campaign for and support Conservative MEPs due to them being Brexiteer's. Conservatives that voted leave are not happy with the status quo!

Be careful, be very careful indeed, the regional County Council and local Council elections are very important indeed, I think that they are much more important than the EU elections that we have already received ballot papers for. So make sure that you get out and vote on the 2nd of May, in my area we definitely have to do our utmost to get rid of the Tory council that have been in power since 1997.

The Tories are planning on cutting more services at the same time as increasing council taxes. The Tories took us to war and introduced austerity that stifles the economy. They cut 22BN from frontline services and then put the same amount into promoting the privatisation of the NHS.

It costs more to run their assessment programme than they actually save from it. The Liberal Democrats stood against the disabled, and increased the cost of tuition fees, and the Labour Party took us to war, when they're meant to be anti-war. So what choice did I have?

UKIP the only credible party that defends freedom of speech and stands against globalists political correctness. The only credible party that has stood with the oppressed and persecuted in our country. That's why I support Gerard Batten, a man of honour and integrity and thank God for Lord Pearson too.

The American tech giants and their platforms are interfering in the UK elections by not allowing the campaigns to have a platform in social media.

The American Liberal Democrats are trying to stop our English guys from winning the elections.

Remember they tried to stop Trump and the more that they tried to stop him, the more the people stood with Trump to defend him and support him. The American Liberal Democrats will not dictate to us, remember it was the globalist Obama that tried to tell our people to stay in the EU.

Our referendum stands, our democracy stands, we voted leave and we meant it and there is nothing that the globalists can do or say to change our minds and hearts. We made up our minds a long time ago, long before Obama came on the scene. Remember this; wisdom was called for an important reason, wisdom with insight did the count on the man. It was easy to add up and do the soferim.

Obama the man that had the strategy of deleting those that didn't agree with him and the globalists. The Obama's that promoted Islam, and Saudi Arabia has just beheaded 37 activists that stood against the authority that is oppressing them, one of those activists was only 16 years old.

Remember the bible and the book of Revelation warns you about the people that behead people and we all know what has just happened in Sri Lanka to the Christians in that country.

The Buddhists are not happy about the Muslim invasion in Sri Lanka either and the Buddhists have been actively standing against Islam in Sri Lanka. The Buddhists in Sri Lanka are more socialist than the Labour Party is in the UK. At least the Buddhists are doing their utmost to defend their ancient culture and are standing against immigration.

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