
Sunday 28 April 2019

The English Cherry Tree

I fancy treating myself to a patio cherry tree this year, every year I buy one treat for myself and garden. In the first year of food growing I bought an olive tree, in the second year it was an apple tree, and this year I have my eye on a cheery tree.

I do like Cherries and they are great for circulation health. If you have lymphoedema, cherries and asparagus are the best foods for it.

Kent was famous for it's English cherries and fruit orchards. Growing up I loved going strawberry picking in Kent, and collecting the apples from the orchards to take home to mum for cooking. It was wonderful growing up amongst the fruit orchards, walking in nature for hours on end, being at one with nature, I loved it. We would go blackberry and raspberry picking too.

So while I was posting the Kent cherry tree video, a live stream came up on the UKIP official channel with one of the UKIP candidates for the South East, Piers Wauchope, so I listened to the barrister prior to finishing this blogpost.

This mandala painting has fruit in it. It was gifted to one of our English healers that lives on a fruit farm with her husband and children in Portugal.

Look at this "Dwarf Fruit Trees" lovely. 

Let's have some music from The Voice, as cute as fruit in a suit.

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