
Monday 29 April 2019


I had a dream of a healer that was once a colleague, he had brought a young woman that I recognised. I was living in a much older and larger place, it looked like an historic place, it reminded me of the historic Old Hall in Suffolk, it was like an old rectory inside.


Peter the elder, came to give some practical help as the place required a lot of clearing up, like you would help someone when they've just moved into somewhere. The place looked like it hadn't been lived in for a long time.

The woman that he brought with him required my help. While Peter was doing practical things around the place, I was talking to the woman that he brought.

Then suddenly, he came into the room where we were talking; to tell us that he had received an urgent phone call and he had to leave to go to Germany for a few days. He came to tell us that they had to leave, and then a different woman driving a car came to collect them both. I wished them all well on their journey and waved bye-bye.


In dream interpretation if you dream of a true friendship in a dream it is a straight-forward prediction of happy social times with good companions. We learn in life that a true friend is always willing to help you on a practical level and sometimes that can mean responding to a call for help and travelling to another country to give that help for a few days.

I also travelled to some countries during my life because people asked for help, and some people travelled to yours truly for help. People travelled from as far way as Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, Scandinavia and the Canaries to visit yours truly.  I also spoke to people on the phone in many different countries, sharing the spiritual guidance that they required.

Dreaming of distant friends is generally a forerunner of unexpected news. If you were speaking in a dream or giving a speech it indicates an improved status in social position and/or business is forecast.

There were three of us in the property and if you remember the number of people in your dream it can signify an increase in personal power and or prestige.  Three is also the numeric of wisdom and with four people in the dream, we are also in the fourth month of April.

When two Christian healers are in the same place at the same time - it is always more powerful. The doctor in that Harry Edwards Sanctuary video above mentions registered healers. However, Jesus wasn't on any registers and that is why our healers campaigned against what the British government was planning 20 years ago. There are millions of healers around the world, trained in different disciplines and modalities. Although from my mystical healing perspective there is no greater training than that which is given divinely.

Whenever I travel, it is always lovely to return to England's green pastures and it's historic villages and I know that many English people feel the same way too.

When I have a dream of Peter it always reminds me of what Jesus said 2,000 years ago, that he would build his spiritual community upon Peter. So it was interesting that in the 90s I was brought two healers with the name of Peter. I now refer to them as Peter the Elder, and Peter the Younger.

In scripture Jesus said that he would give the Apostle Peter the keys to heaven, and Peter the Elder's inner child healing work is certainly one of those keys. Peter, James and John went up the mountain together. Does it remind you of the authors John Bradshaw, and James Redfield, all three men were involved in inner child healing work.

Apostle Peter offered to put up three shelters, one for Jesus, one for Moses and one for Elijah.

Peter is a Greek name, Petros meaning rock.

Then has I was waking up after the dream, I could hear the Moshav band singing again.

The day that I received this dream I received a phone call from a healer that used to tour with us, we were discussing aromatherapy oils and I shared some of the latest science with her that I have featured on this blog.

After that I looked at local information on "Rectory", and found that people had been evicted from a rectory that used to be a care home. It is a grade II listed building. I found that there is a Dutch property company in the UK with the name of Camelot and they manage disused buildings until property developers develop them. So I shall look into that case further.

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