
Sunday 28 April 2019


On the 27th of April, the last day of Passover, the Jewish holiday, I was hearing clairaudiently the Moshav Band and the night prior I was painting herbs. Herbs also part of the passover meal.

In Israel, a Moshav is a particular type of cooperative agricultural community of individual farms that were pioneered during the second wave of aliyah. Wikipedia share with us that the a resident or member of a moshav can be called a "moshavnik".

The moshavim are similar to the kibbutzim with an emphasis on people working together, just like people have done in the spiritual communities that began in the 60s in the UK. Findhorn in Scotland is an example of that, and Old Hall in Suffolk is another example of it in the UK.


The first moshav in Israel was Nahalal in the Jezreel Valley on September 11, 1921. In 1922 a census showed that 437 Jewish people were living in that location and in 1929, a girl's agricultural training farm was established.

These farming communities made family the centre of social life.

Herbal and natural remedies for children.

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