
Friday 5 April 2019


The former trade union official and Physiotherapist, Ruth Jones has won the by-election in Wales and it was an emotive vote as the credit is being given to the Labour MP that died, Paul Flynn.

Conservatives came second and UKIP came third with UKIP doubling their vote. 

Some information on the career of Ruth Jones.

As far as choosing a Physiotherapist for the job in politics, many physiotherapists work for sub-contractors from outside of the NHS now. That's why it's almost impossible to get any physiotherapy.

In England, I had three trips to see a physiotherapist and when I asked why I wasn't being given any physiotherapy, the response was, "I am not allowed to touch you". Have you ever heard of such a thing said by the medical profession? How about medics that refuse to remove your clean sock from your foot, or consultants that say that they can't examine you due to your injury?

If they were really interested in stopping the privatisation of the NHS, then the physiotherapists would have refused to work for the sub-contractors. Is it the same in Wales as it is in England? It probably is, it would be interesting to hear what Welsh people have to say about healthcare in Wales.

Ruth Jones also campaigned to remain in the EU, the same EU that has been undermining the NHS by funding sub-contractors enabling the privatisation of it. Ruth Jones has a very short timeline to prove herself as there will be another national election coming soon, most likely within a year.

I anticipate that the Tories are waiting to see what happens in the County Council and local elections prior to making their decision for when a national election will be. The Conservative vote is definitely diminishing and people are tweeting themselves cutting up their membership cards.

Although the 150,000 Tory membership wasn't given the opportunity to select their current leader, that's why we ended up with Theresa May. At the time the excuse given was that BREXIT had to happen quickly, that's a laugh isn't it. Nearly three years later, and they're still discussing it.

What the Tories usually do is bring in a new leader prior to a new election, and give that leader time to settle in prior to a general election. Although my view is that we should not allow existing leaders to be replaced, it should go straight to the polls when a leader steps down or is ousted.

As far as Neil Hamilton is concerned, some are saying that they would have preferred a younger UKIP member to stand in the by-election. Although Neil knows that there is a Labour entrenchment in his area and he is a man with a plan. He's looking at the bigger picture for Wales, as he is the current UKIP leader for Wales and the Welsh voted to LEAVE in the majority. Apparently, there are Welsh Assembly elections coming too.

I think that UKIP could've had a much better campaign in the by-election, and if I had been the campaign manager I would've taken a very different approach to it. However, I think there is much more to UKIP than meets the eye and at least Neil did triple his vote and that bodes well for UKIP's future in Wales.

APRIL 2019 

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