
Thursday 4 April 2019


It's the by-election in Wales today, wishing UKIP all the best. Apparently the odds on Neil Hamilton winning the by-election have decreased from 150-1 to 8-1. The majority of voters, voted to leave in Wales, and the majority in England did too. 

The latest news from YouGov poll is that a majority of voters in England and Wales would like to leave with "NO DEAL", as the LORD said, "NO COMPROMISE". The timing is perfect for the Tories, Labour and Liberal Democrats to face the consequences for what they've done to our communities. The way forward now is to vote those MPs out of parliament, and put new MPs into parliament. 

Some people will be staying up tonight to hear the outcome of the by-election in Wales. It is an important seat for UKIP to win.


The 4th of April is the "Day of Initiative", so it was great to hear from a seed grower after I sent the Monsanto-Bayer information to her.  "Life -v- Monsanto-Bayer". 

It was also great to see that an elder that I used to tour with in the 90s is back in touch with yours truly. In fact reuniting with people that I have met from the world of healing is increasing all of the time. 

Yellow is a great colour for creativity, although in Feng Shui it is a fire colour. Yellow is great for kitchens, although I think it would be great for my art studio. I've always liked wearing yellow, and used to wear it when teaching Reiki healing.

I walked into Wales three times during my life, twice for pony trekking in my youth. The third time was for a nine-day healing training course in the mid-90s. It was quite an adventure and very intensive.

The teacher of that specific training course was a great healer, although the LGBT woman didn't make a great teacher due to the manner in which she treated those that had chosen to work with her.

That LGBT woman certainly had serious issues to heal. When you meet women like that it certainly makes you pleased that you are straight. I found myself helping adults that she had made cry, love was on that training course in Wales for an important reason, far more than I realised at the time.

Love can be like Thunder sometimes, and sometimes it is as gentle as tip toeing in the rain that showers upon you. When love is like thunder it can liberate you from the clutches of death, when love is like gentle rain it comes with a promise of success as it makes your crops grow.


APRIL 2019 

The Welsh are certainly rising up to defend their culture from cultural genocide. Wales won the six nations rugby tournament, they can take back their country from the clutches of the EU and from the high cost of running the Welsh Assembly. 

ITV on-line say that the vote is low but it usually is in by-elections. The turn out is 37.1%, and the votes are 23,165. Eleven different people have stood for election. They anticipate that the outcome will be announced at around 1.30am on Friday morning. 

Journalist Ian Craig is tweeting updates.

I anticipate that Labour will take some votes from the Tories, and some Labour votes will go to other candidates. Although I don't think a woman will be given a seat in parliament at this time.  I don't think that Theresa May as impressed anyone and that can impact on how voters view women in positions of power. 

I don't think Labour's Diane Abbot has impressed anyone either and Jeremy Corbyn isn't known for selecting the best talent for parliamentary seats.  Peterborough is another example of that, that Labour MP went to prison for three months and was expelled. I think the Welsh are supporting a person with experience of political life and I think their choice is male energy.

I think those that have gone out to vote are serious voters, as it is mostly serious voters that vote in a by-election. I sense a strong Christian vote and a person that will stand with and for Christian principles. One thing that you can be sure of the Christians usually vote. 


The former trade union official and Physiotherapist has won and it is very emotive as the credit is being given to the Labour MP that died, Paul Flynn. Conservatives came second and UKIP came third with UKIP doubling their vote. 

Some information on the career of Ruth Jones.

As far as choosing a Physiotherapist for the job in politics, many physiotherapists work for sub-contractors from outside of the NHS now. That's why it's almost impossible to get any physiotherapy.

If they were really interested in stopping the privatisation of the NHS, then the physiotherapists would have refused to work for the sub-contractors. Is it the same in Wales as it is in England? Probably it is. Ruth Jones also campaigned to remain in the EU, the same EU that has been undermining the NHS by funding sub-contractors enabling the privatisation of it.

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