
Thursday 4 April 2019


Fiona Onasanya, from a Nigerian immigrant family was expelled from the Labour Party, the Labour Party made her into an MP.  She was ejected from the party after she went to jail for three months for "Perverting the course of justice".

The Telegraph share with us that the "Disgraced MP Fiona Onasanya backed bill to delay Brexit which passed by a majority of one". That means that it was her vote that delayed BREXIT.

So a criminal that is now standing as an independent, is impacting on our democracy in parliament, there will be outrage about how this can possibly be allowed to happen in our country. If you don't think that this is "treason", what is?

This woman says that she is a member of Christians on the Left, is she a true Christian? Certainly not. A true Christian would never 'Pervert the course of justice". She should have done the honourable thing and resigned her post as an MP as soon as the court sent her to jail.

There should have been a by-election in Peterborough to replace her. It should be law that if a person is expelled from the party that got them elected then they must leave. If a person leaves a party to go independent, they too should have to stand down from their MP job as it was their party infrastructure that got them elected. Expelled or leaving willingly, by-elections are essential so that people can vote again. Did you know that MPs have just had a £2,000 pay rise?

The YouGov poll shows that a majority of the people in England and Wales are for NO DEAL, the people did not give MPs the right to to delay BREXIT either beyond the 29th of March, 2019.

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