
Friday 5 April 2019


Today is the new moon in Aries and this news item made me smile as it is the "Day of Consequences" in numerics.

Yesterday water poured into the House of Commons into the press gallery, the sound of water stopped proceedings in parliament. How funny is that!

Water a sign from God, do you remember the Exodus and how Yahweh brought the water? How about Elijah that brought the rain? I did ask the LORD for help, I said, 'You've got to do something'.

Yesterday I wrote about water on this blog and my Venus is in Pisces, I wrote about the water yesterday, and then today I saw the news about the water pouring into the house of commons.

"Love can be like Thunder sometimes, and sometimes it is as gentle as tip toeing in the rain that showers upon you. When love is like thunder it can liberate you from the clutches of death, when love is like gentle rain it comes with a promise of success as it makes your crops grow."

When water stops proceedings then it is like the water that comes with thunder of Yahweh to liberate our people from the clutches of the death of our nation. Remember in scripture water is the water of life, no coincidence than that the ace of cups is overflowing with water to sustain our people.

The golden chalice of the holy grail. When did politicians ever ask the people "What ails thee?". What ails our people is the fact that a majority of our people voted to LEAVE, and a majority of our people say "NO COMPROMISE", as that is what the LORD said to yours truly to say.

A majority of people in England and Wales have also polled as voting for "NO DEAL" Brexit in the latest poll carried out by YouGov.

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