
Friday 19 April 2019

Psalm 104 Joseph

This Hebrew song from Psalm 104 came up on my recommended list today.

In the Septuagint it mentions how "Joseph went before them and they humbled his feet, his soul passed into iron until the time of his cause came on. He was made lord over his house and ruler of his substance to chastise his rulers at his pleasure and to teach his elders wisdom". 

When do you hear that Joseph was a healer, the Son of Joseph was a great healer too, truly an amazing man that cannot be replaced in my heart. The lovingkindness of Jesus was certainly in his heart, an atheist that became a believer due to being able to see Spirit with his own eyes. Transfigured in the same way that Jesus was when he saw Moses and Elijah. The eyes have been opened when people see Spirit for themselves with their own eyes open.

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