
Saturday 20 April 2019

20th April 2019 Message

When I woke up this morning I was shown "chaos"everywhere and I also saw Julian Assange amongst it. It was explained that those that refused to listen are living in a chaotic world, a world that they co-created. The 20th of April is the "Day of Challenge" and many realities are being challenged.

However, Love did have a plan for yours truly this weekend, Jesus had a plan for his healers to get together and I am looking forward to an Indian Head massage. He's giving me time away from the internet and the chaos that is often seen on it.

I hope that our readers have a peaceful weekend, his healers will be spending some time in nature, just being love beyond measure. In the meantime you might like to send some loving thoughts to Julian Assange and those that are defending freedom of speech at the same time as standing against political correctness and censorship. It has certainly been a long journey, two decades defending the Human Rights of our people.

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