
Friday 19 April 2019


April 19, full moon, Love has a plan.

Some are celebrating the Christian holiday and some are celebrating Passover. I received a call a few days ago, the plan is for yours truly to have some company this special weekend.

Yesterday, I could hear a biblical song, then Yahweh spoke after my writings, and he said, "You are on the mark". My passover message.

Then while I was in the kitchen late last night, I heard the name Khayyam spoken, he's around again. So us healers are bound to be giggling and laughing this weekend. We had such fun together on the healing training courses with Omar Khayyam all of those years ago. Omar he does like his wine!

During his life Khayyam provided a treatise on musical theory, where the mystical poet discusses the connection between music and arithmetic. No coincidence than that my spiritual work led by Jesus also took me in that direction.

It is written that prior to his passing he was reading the metaphysics in Avicenna's, Book of Healing.

There is a legend concerning Khayyam's mentor, when the friends of Avicenna asked him to live his life moderately for health reasons, he replied, "I prefer a short life with width to a narrow one with length".

Big smiles, he didn't embrace length of days then did he. Omar Khyyam embraced that civilisations come and go and that the moon has seen them all.

When Khayyam first appeared before yours truly in the summer of 2000, he wasn't 83 years old, he chose to appear in Spirit at a younger age. A beautiful and lovely smile, with eyes that sparkled with the light of love. He wore white and a white turban. I can hear Spirit speak in my ears because I am clairaudient.

I'm going to ask my healing colleague for an Indian head massage this weekend, that would be a lovely treat.

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