
Monday 1 April 2019


Physicist, and author, Dr Vandana Shiva, speaks to Chris Hedges ON CONTACT about the threat to the existence of life on the planet.  It begins by stating that if humanity doesn't change it's ways now, it could be gone within a 100 years. The interview is 27 minutes and Dr Shiva begins with talking about how chemicals were forced upon India by America. The American industrialised agriculture and GM crops, the global cartel that she calls the "Poison Cartel".

Dr Shiva discusses the seed patents and how Monsanto went into India and bought up their seed companies to decrease the amount of different seeds that are available. 90% of crop varieties are now extinct, India in crisis. Legal action is happening in India against Monsanto-Bayer.

310,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide due to what Monsanto have done to the farmers lives, and farms. The Dr says that they're killing people and the planet. Bill Gates is now the new front man for Monsanto she says. Dr Shiva calls it "Bio-Piracy" and that it is going on in Africa too.  Towards the end of the interview she shares that the American technology guys intend to get rid of a majority of farmers on the planet. Serious, very serious stuff.


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