
Monday 1 April 2019


I recently met an elder that had a stroke and we stopped to chat about health and nutrition. He's a food grower so he does have an interest in it. I sent out the call for food that can help him, beyond what I might already know. We know scientifically that garlic is recommended as the number one food for the prevention of "cancer".


Then today this video was uploaded by Dr Berg, and it is about a compound called AJOENE that is found in garlic. Some ask how much garlic should you eat? I try to eat at least 2-3 large cloves per day in my food. So for instance last night I made a Pizza, it included tomato, cheese, red onion, spinach, marinated anchovies, garlic and oregano.

In 2012, a patient with serious Crohn's Disease was brought to this health investigator and one of the foods that I put her on as a priority was garlic. Although I had to convince her of the necessity to completely change her menus to help her health condition and body. So her menus were completely redesigned specifically with foods that could help her body. The older the body is the more gentle you have to be with it, and some foods are far gentler than others. 

In her case she also received intensive Reiki healing treatments too with two of us working on her at the same time.  It turned her life around, and it wasn't long before she was able to return to work. I can say this that her life was extended by least seven years. 

If a person is very ill, Reiki healing is essential because it increases the oxygen in the blood cells and the body pulls in the energy to where it most requires it. Although in the Reiki community we say that the energy is intelligent and it knows exactly where it has to go. 

A "Day of Small Things" that can make a big difference to your life. 

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