
Sunday 31 March 2019

Day of Small Things

Following on from the most recent dream, this is a lovely song to go with the "Day of Small Things". So it was he sent a little woman to help the Christians and in return they helped the mystic that he sent. The meditation of the heart mentioned in the scripture was delivered in perfect timing.

In August, 2017, the LORD spoke and he said, "You will be shielded".

The Zechariah prophecy mentions how he laid the foundation stone and that he would bring forth the headstone. The NT tells you that Jesus Christ is the foundation and that the people must not build upon it with building materials.

In life and living it, he brought the small woman forth to do his will, he gave his mystical healer the headstone inscribed with the name ELIAKIM.

He knew that no matter what happened, no one could take her from him. No matter what she suffered, how her family were persecuted, how poor she became due to people getting in the way.

The little humble hearted woman that he chose because he knew that she would not give in or give up. He knew that I would stay steadfast, faithful and loyal to the power of love, and would not compromise on my heart of integrity, no matter what it cost me personally and/or professionally.

The eyes of Yahweh that can scan with the eyes, a remote viewer? 


Although I referred to it as "Remote Scanning" for health reasons, 

only with permission. 

I could see what medics couldn't see. 

I could see what some other healers couldn't see. 

I could view different timelines, I could see back in history too. 

I could see in texts what others couldn't. 

Yahweh made my eyes like a magnifying glass. 

To see what he wished for me to see. 

He knew my nature and that I had to be able to see it.

To think that it's been twelve years since I first supported UKIP and BREXIT. 

29th of March, 2019.

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