
Thursday 11 April 2019


A planned arrest of the Wikileaks Publisher and journalist Julian Assange. He's been to the magistrates court charged on "Failure to Surrender", due to him taking asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy, Julian pled "Not Guilty".

I'm not surprised that Julian is back in court, at County Court on the 2nd of May, a total set-up by the Tory government that knows that we have elections on that day throughout the UK. County council elections and local elections.

Remember this that you couldn't trust the Tories with BREXIT, and you can't trust the Tories to live within the law. Yet, both Theresa May and Jeremy Hunt say that Julian Assange is not above the law of the land, while Theresa May and Jeremy Hunt have both broken the law of the land. Theresa May in parliament congratulates herself on the arrest of Julian Assange, while she breaks the law.

A court case is being brought against the government in Westminster due to the government not abiding to the law of the land and it's constitution.


As far as the law of the land is concerned, BREXIT cannot be delayed, so don't let this case of Julian Assange delay justice being brought for our people in the UK. Although I strongly support Julian Assange, and his freedom to share the truth.

Julian Assange and Wikileaks have supported Whistleblowers, to help Whistleblowers get the truth to the world. For updates this is the Twitter Feed.

Theresa May friend of Obama, Macron and Merkle, she is no friend of holding power to accountability. This eviction of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy has been planned, and it's no coincidence that the new Ecuadorian President is being exposed for "corruption" with his family in Ecuador at this time.

The editor-in-Chief of Wikileaks said in a press conference yesterday that the President of Ecuador had accused Julian of exposing him. Wikileaks deny that Julian Assange had any access to the internet or mobile phone since March 2018. Yesterday I watched the full press conference, with a former Ecuadorian diplomat that worked at the embassy until last summer.  The editor-in-Chief of Wikileaks and Julian's Human Rights lawyer.

Journalists have said that Julian's arrest is dangerous for all of the media and it's journalists,  it is a crime against journalism and humanity. No journalist, or whistleblower will ever be safe, if we allow this to continue.

Another journalist said that if Julian Assange is extradited to the U.S.A. he will be on trial before an Obama judge in Virginia, an Obama judge that has stood against every whistleblower. He also said that Julian Assange would not receive a fair and just hearing before the Obama judge.

Why's that? Obama and his team did not live within the law. Nor did Clinton live within the law of the land. Trump has even said that what the Liberal Democrats did is "treason".

Why are the globalists celebrating? Lenin Moreno and the IMF, 4.2 billion involved, Assange the bargaining chip, a valuable asset. That was something I was always concerned about, as soon as I heard that he had been offered asylum by Ecuador all those years ago.

Now coming back to Jeremy Hunt, how can Hunt sit there and talk about the truth when he has done his utmost to destroy the NHS in our country? How can Hunt sit there and talk about justice of the law when he has sat with Amal Clooney, the International Human Rights barrister, and Special Envoy, who is commissioned to put forward proposals to defend and protect journalists? Yet he celebrated on Twitter at Julian's arrest. Does that make any sense to you?


The UN reporter is not happy with what the magistrate said to Julian Assange in court today, nor is he happy with Theresa May celebrating in parliament on the same day. As far as the UN reporter is concerned, the justice system is meant to be completely unbiased.

A photo has been published with Julian's left hand under his chin, and in that picture there are two hands on a book, it's clear that Julian doesn't have three hands, and the photo looks photoshopped.

The Tories might think that arresting Assange will help them with the elections in May, it definitely won't. It will have the opposite impact, you can't trust the Tories to be unbiased, to live in integrity or to live according to the law of our land. Far too many career politicians in the House of Commons, and not enough humanitarians. One thing that you can say about Julian Assange, he does care about humanity and he has done some great work since Wikileaks began. He is definitely, a man that was sent by God to help humanity.

Stay focussed everyone on the UK elections on the 2nd of May, 2019, remove the Tories from office wherever they are found in the County Council and local elections. Remove the Liberal Democrats and Labour, VOTE UKIP wherever and whenever you can.


4 minutes ago, Gerard Batten, Leader of UKIP has given his comment on the case on his Twitter feed. "The point about Assange is that NO ONE should be 'judically surrendered' under a European Arrest Warrant. He should have been deported to his native Australia and let them sort it out. The US Extradition Treaty is as bad as the EAW and the same applies".

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