
Thursday 11 April 2019

April 19th Love Has A Plan

April the 19th is the "Day of Control" in numerics it is also a full moon in Libra.

I'm being shown that divine love has a plan for you this year, so you can anticipate that changes are happening. Some people are moving on and there will be breakthroughs and break-ups, it is meant to be as people are being moved on to be with people that you resonate with.

Those that have walked the extra mile know it is never crowded along the extra mile and some spiritual people are coming to comprehend that. Yesterday, I was shown two numerics on the clock, 555 the numeric of enlightenment and 444 the numeric of perfected love.

Love cannot be perfected unless people have been prepared to go the extra mile. 444 was in 2011, and 555 was in 2012. What some are experiencing is a culmination of the repercussions of their spiritual efforts and pure intentions.

For those that have been true, trusting and faithfully loyal are receiving some rewards for their patience with the divine forces that came to help our people. Sometimes those rewards can come financially, sometimes it is legal justice, sometimes it can be romantically and in relationship or improvement in friendships, or the gain of new friends and or new business opportunities.

The Julian Assange case is in the news and I did watch the press conference yesterday. Also this is a small clip from it. A spy operation has been going on at the Ecuadorian embassy and the case is now with the Spanish police force. As we know, President Donald Trump was also spied upon by the former president and his team. Justice must be done, and Julian must be given his freedom, his human rights must be given.

This full moon does have the energy of gain with it, and I do think there will be political gains this year for the righteous.

In the Greek Septuagint you find this verse: "Mercy and truth are met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth has sprung out of the earth, and righteousness has looked down from heaven. For the Lord will give goodness, and our land shall yield HER fruit. Righteousness shall go before him, and shall set his steps in the way". Psalm 85 

Whatever you most require love has a plan for you. There is a divine plan. Donna Page in the video above mentions the nodes, and when I think of the nodes I immediately think of past lives. Due to the fact that past life memories impact upon your consciousness this lifetime.

Sometimes people are shocked at how victorious some people have been in engaging with so many different realities and that life experience can help where you are being sent next. You can share your enlightenment with new groups of people, people that are calling for truth, balance, and harmony in their lives.

You can share your perfected love with those that respect all of your work and effort. Whatever you are led to do, whatever you are compelled to do this year, whomever you are sent to help this year, know that you will be appreciated. Humanity is ready to receive from you, and some are calling out for divine guidance that wisdom brings.

Those that appreciate yours truly gain the most because they are open to receive the help that is given. For instance I wrote that I joined UKIP because it was the only party that I felt had earned my membership of it.



The first time in my life that I had ever joined a party, sometimes there is a first time for everything.

Although being "anti-EU", carries on from where the Son of Joseph had stood, my dad also stood against the EU parliament and it's plan to control every facet of our country. This Aquarian water bearing humanitarian stands with UKIP, I also stand with Julian Assange.

Gerard Batten, leader of UKIP on the EU elections.

Yesterday, I also watched Candace giving her testimony to congress, an incredible young lady and she gave a powerful testimony, impressive. That is one young woman that should be in the White House with President Trump.

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