
Wednesday 20 March 2019


Spring Equinox Part 1.

It's PURIM on 20-22nd of March, 2019. Tommy Robinson's court date has been postponed.

Rik from America shares his view of the Equinox Libra Full Moon.

If I remember correctly, Milo is a Libra. My experience of Libra people they like harmony and justice, they like balance. Pleased I'm an Aquarian as I can easily be detached from other's emotional issues especially when they are going through some big stuff.

Emotional detachment is important otherwise other people and their issues can impact upon you and your life. Having the moon under my feet also helps to move through big situations like the recent situation in New Zealand with calm, dignity and integrity. Interesting that I shared a quote from Nostradamus in 2012, he wrote about going to the four quarters and then depart.

The only major adjustment that I have to make at this time is in the home and Libra does like their home to be a special place. Aquarians rarely follow the rules Rik, this Aquarian has always been out of the box. Funny that the divine message that I received today was "Box". A Box has four corners to it too!

The energy has certainly been intense for some people due to what has happened in New Zealand, just look how the media have responded to it. Look at how social media as reacted to it. Sometimes you just have to laugh at people's emotive responses, laughter keeps you sane.

For instance Vinny Eastwood from New Zealand spent three hours doing a live stream this morning, then youtube just removed it. Three hours of his time, gone. I hope he's got a copy of it and uploads it on a different platform.

Fortunately, I had copied what I had written to Vinny and posted it somewhere else. Fortunately, Vinny has got a sense of humour, I agree with him, you have to have it, although some people don't appreciate a sense of humour or the way that the English banter.

In the UK, people are getting heated about BREXIT, and our truckers are talking about blocking the highways. The Brexiteer's are also talking about closing down airports and trains if we don't BREXIT on the 29th of March, 2019.

So I hope that you have a very happy and enjoyable Spring Equinox and Purim. Yesterday I felt inspired to put some seeds in, three different types of tomatoes, broccoli, courgettes, and cucumbers.

Looking forward to the new growing season, hope to plant some borlotti beans again, lettuce and pak choi. Gardening and growing food is such a pleasure in life, I also enjoy my art and painting.

I came across a lovely quote from a lovely Persian mystical poet today, Omar Khayyam.

"The thoughtful soul to solitude retires".

Mystics are happy in our solitude for we know we are never alone, although the days of working with Omar Khayyam were tremendous fun, he has a great sense of humour. He liked to make jokes of people's issues to bring a smile to their faces, especially when it was about relationships or friendships. I will always remember him singing little brown jug to one of our healers.

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