
Wednesday 20 March 2019


Apparently, Putin doesn't even pick up the phone when Ukraine's leader Poroshenko telephones. Are you surprised, Putin is a man of integrity and a heart of conscience.

Whereas the "unpopular" Poroshenko led Ukraine to "disintegration and poverty" reports Vesti News.

Vesti News share that the US are charging Ukraine double for coal. It doesn't make sense environmentally to ship coal half way across the world. So why do Americans permit it if they care about the environment and the oceans?


Not only is coal being shipped across the world but the US and President Trump is charging Ukraine twice the price that the Russians charge. Doesn't make economic sense either does it Ukraine, when Russia is on your doorstep. Integrity is essential for every country, that means environmental integrity is essential for every land.

Love must be sincere, and I found Putin to be the most sincere of leaders. It was Putin that had the courage to call all of the UN members out, the bravery of one man, who said to the UN, "Do you realise what you've done?". The UN funded mainly by America, hosted by the US on American soil.

To love sincerely is to 'love without a mask', it means showing your true self. Just like Putin shows his sincere love for animals, children and his people.

Helping people to remove their 'masks' is powerful self-development work, people that engaged in that healing work were empowered by it once they discovered what 'masks' they had been wearing.

Every politician could benefit from self-development facilitation, if healing is right and appropriate for the people, then it is right for leaders to engage in the great healing work too! However, during my years of research into healing and self-development, I found that some academics refused to engage. I also found the same with some Americans too.

Prophet Isaiah knew that some people are willing to walk upon the healing highway to holiness, and some refuse to come into the light of sincere love. Why? There is nowhere to hide in the light of sincere love. Sincere love gives to those that require the sincerity of it. Sincerity also requires integrity of being.

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