
Tuesday 19 March 2019

Christchurch and Obama

The gematria for " Christchurch" is the same as "Obama is terror". No surprise then the Al Noor mosque is known for breeding jihadi's, two of them went off to Yemen and were apparently killed by an American drone. The original articles from 2014 about it have been scrubbed from the internet.

Podesta has been in New Zealand prior to this event in Christchurch and Vinny Eastward in NZ says that the NZ PM has received 5M and the other NZ politicians have been bought.

New Zealand has been standing against Israel at the UN, the NZ PM stands with Islam.

MSM are still presenting different films as the same incident, when in fact, the livestream of the gunman is different to the second film. This is very serious indeed. People are being banned from social media and American platforms if they don't agree with the globalist agenda and narrative.

A young 18 year old man in New Zealand has been arrested, denied bail, and stands trial that could impose 14 years in prison just for posting on Facebook.

People keep on making videos and talking about the manifesto, when we know that the manifesto wasn't written by Tarrant, although it clearly was written in America. Even I knew that immediately, I didn't even have to read it, to know that it was American dialog.

FB and Twitter continually remove film and evidence from their platforms and so do American owned forums.

Dissenter has been banned in New Zealand, and people are being banned on forums and social media for sharing the truth. The globalists are doing everything that they can to close down freedom of speech, we shall not be silenced, there is too much at stake and we will not submit to Islam ever.

Former U.S. Army Psychological Operations Officer and State Department Counterterrorism Contractor, Scott Bennett Ph.d (ABD). Provides a forensic analysis of the film footage.

Some Muslims say that Jesus was a Muslim, he was not a Muslim, Jesus used his free will to lay down his life and pick it up again, scripture testifies to that fact.

The people in New Zealand should demand a PUBLIC INQUEST so that everything that has happened in New Zealand can be seen. Do not consent to the globalists, do not consent to cultural genocide of New Zealand.

More on the New Zealand case.

They've even banned Milo from returning to Australia, a man that believes that faith and reason is compatible. His reasonable response to a gentle "atheist".

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