
Tuesday 5 March 2019

NEW MOON 6th March 2019

Barbara Goldsmith, lives in Greece, and this is one of her videos.  The New Moon of the 6th of March, 2019. The 6th of March is the "Day of Beauty", so interesting that today, on the 5th, a woman stopped me to compliment me on my coat. Jesus always sends someone to pay me a compliment, big smiles.

Barbara shares about kindness, so no coincidence that some guys offered to help me today, and in response I returned the compliment and gave them some home cooked food. Mum used to do that when people helped her, she would cook the guys a lovely meal to show them that she appreciated their kindness towards the widow.

With a new moon in Pisces, fish is definitely on the menu this week. I do like smoked salmon, smoked mackerel, marinated herrings, marinated anchovies and have to start taking my cod liver oil. I've also got lamb on the menu too. TAKE YOUR SUPPLEMENTS, gonna have to make a poster for the wall to remind me daily.

We've had the RAPHAEL message in the lead up to this new moon of beauty, and that was beautiful to receive. Raphael and divine mother.

Pisces is a very creative, artistic, and musical energy, a great time to dance, and stretching exercises. A great time for creative cooks, nutrition, home cooked food, being kind to the self and others.

Kindness can also mean defending our country and nation, and families from "Political Persecution", e.g. Gerard Batten, leader of UKIP and his team defending Tommy Robinson and the working class.

Pisces also like their homes too, they create lovely homes for their partners, my mum did, she made her home perfect for the family, she was a natural at making her home and garden beautiful. Lilian loved the daffodils.

So interesting that my compass arrived today, I can now work on some Feng Shui in the home. Also looking at the possibility of a new home in a new location, although it could take some time to relocate. Energy wise I am feeling up today, and that will continue for the remainder of this week, so managed to get some fresh food organised on a physically stronger day.

The two fishes swimming in harmony, head to tail just like the ancient mosaic found in Israel, male and female fish swimming together. Water features, they can drink like a fish, and they like living close to the waters edge.

This mandala has lots of fish in it, so a great mandala for this new moon, the paint was also spread for the people of Greece. So "Philotimo" Greece, human rights are international law, you have the human right to dissent, as we all do in the countries that signed up for it.

This colour was dancing on my hands again whilst typing last night, the lovely aquamarine energy, the master of medicine, let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. The body was made to process food, not eat processed food.

We don't eat dolphins though, dolphins of unconditional love that dance with joy above the waves. Our people will always love the dolphin healers that have blessed humanity with their presence and chi, our great whales too, the miracle of creation.

Dr Horace Dobbs said that swimming with dolphins was like swimming with angels, and swimming with whales was like swimming with God.

Unconditional love doesn't mean that you allow people from other countries or your own to trample upon the soul of your nation, culture or people, otherwise there is nothing left but feeling bereft.

Unconditional love and tolerance doesn't mean that we have to put up with or tolerate the Labour party, and Jeremy Corbyn attacking Israel either. We have enough to contend with on UK soil.

Nor do we have to put up with the Conservative party in the UK and it's austerity measures inflicted upon the working class and the most vulnerable in society. The Human Right of Dissent is international law, we have the human right to defend ourselves, our families, our homes and culture.

It's time to get the dogs out to sniff out the drugs and protect the police force while doing their jobs to reduce "knife crime".  When my family were in danger, my dad bought a dog, and no-one could get past him.

Sadiq Khan has to resign, as "knife crime" as soared in London and immigration has to be stopped for at least 5-10 years. Now there are over 5 million non-EU people living in the UK that weren't born in the UK. That was 2017 stats, we are still waiting for 2018 stats that should have been released last week. Our country is overpopulated, and you can't squeeze seven people into a two bed flat!

Kindness doesn't mean that you put your own country at risk of cultural genocide, kindness doesn't mean that you put your own family in danger by inviting who knows who into your home. We have a saying in England, "charity begins at home" and "home is where the heart is".

My parents were very strict on who could enter their London home that they built for their family. In my youth that was hard to understand, although when I grew up, I understood more, as it was their peaceful sanctuary away from the world and their wishes had to be respected, as they paid for it, and were in charge of it!


Barbara has called this new moon "Trust Your Instincts", what I am working on is quality of life, and how I can improve my life for the next phase of it. How about you? What does quality of life mean to you in England in the phase of life that you find yourselves in, and how are you working on improving it?

I've been thinking of driving again today, so I could move forward with that. It would certainly make my life a lot easier, if I was back on the road. Although it is expensive to run a car and at this time it would be a luxury.

What do you have to leave behind to be able to move on with your freedom to be awesome? In the UK, of course the political focus is still on BREXIT, and leaving the "EU dictatorship" of our European countries. People are concerned and concentrating on their homelands, people are defending their beautiful historic countries and cultures. Legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

Love beyond measure

Yours truly!

UPDATE Uranus in Taurus, Solid as a rock.



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