
Wednesday 6 March 2019


New Moon in Pisces, and Uranus in Taurus. It's a date today, so happy day of beauty, master of medicine.


So what is the message today?

Solid as a rock,
love has a plan for you.


I really like chocolate cranberries. What else do I like, date and cashew chocolate hearts. 

Date pudding is lovely too, very healthy for you and the colon. So what beautiful dinner shall you make today to celebrate this day of beauty. On the 5th it was pancake day, so I shall have some pancakes with lemon and golden syrup as a treat. I have some meat sauce to finish up and I will probably have some marinated herring with salad for starters. 

Carrot and coriander soup is on the menu this week, banana and kiwi's in goats milk for the skin and back. Avocado's for the skin. Different cheeses. Salads, eating light this week. 

Do you give healing to your food prior to eating it? I certainly do that when I am abroad. Although I really should Reiki every single meal that I eat. 

"The counsel of the Lord will endure forever, the plans of his heart for all generations". Psalm 33:11 

Happy New Moon Fishes

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