
Monday 4 March 2019

"When in Rome Do As The Romans Do"

My socialist Judeo-Christian dad spent his life defending the working class in the UK and he was totally against joining the EU has he was fully aware of the impact that it would have on the working class families in his homeland. The Son of Joseph was certainly correct and that is another reason why I voted to leave the EU.

One of his sayings was "When in Rome do as the Romans Do". Which meant that if we went to countries that had a siesta we would have a siesta too. If the culture of that country was to drink wine, we would drink the wine with them. Eat lots of salads, eat seafood, whatever the people ate in the countries we visited, we tried it and lived it too, my parents also loved fiesta time.

The meaning of the saying is important because what he was passing forward to his family, was that when you go to another country than abide by their rules, laws, customs, traditions and culture.

I think his point was even more crucial, because he was aware that our country and culture was receiving an influx of migrants from non-EU countries. He knew that our country was in jeopardy of becoming overcrowded and in the 70s the trade unions knew that there wouldn't be jobs for everyone in this timeline.

In fact, last night I took a look at Migrant Watch, and in 2017, there were over 5 million people in the UK, that weren't born in the UK or the EU. That is a huge amount of people for a population of our size. New stats should have been issued last week, it makes you wonder why they haven't been released yet.

Now based upon the principle of how important it is to honour the cultures of others, also applies to our people honouring our historic culture, by not allowing others from EU or non-EU countries to change it.

One of the issues is foreign investment, because when you allow foreign investment from non-EU countries, that investment comes with strings attached to it. That foreign investment puts your country into the hands of other people that you might not like to have pulling your strings!

This article is a clear example as Muslims have been targeting the marketing industry. The headline is "Muslim mums feel under valued by brands".

With my marketing hat in defence of our historic culture, my response is - tough, this is our country and our culture. Our culture and it's industries must not be "intimidated", into subjecting itself to the whims or demands of Islam.

When you or your parents chose to live in our country, you have to abide by our rules, our laws, our customs, traditions and culture. If you don't like it, then go and live in a culture where you do feel valued and can live by your cultural norms.

Our historical culture came prior to Islam, and Islam will not be allowed to replace it. 70% of the population polled in the UK have said, NO, to anymore Islamic immigration. I appreciate the support of all of our ethnic communities that agree with this.

Plus Jesus doesn't care what Muslims value. As he said, "What people value highly is detestable in God's sight". Luke 16:15

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