
Sunday 24 March 2019

Lentils and Chickpeas Research

This purim I had lentils in my chicken dhansak, and I also had roast chicken and chick peas. I was first introduced to chickpeas by an Israeli in my 20s, also in Greek restaurants eating humous in London. After that more when I went on holiday to Greece and I have eaten chick peas ever since that time.

The Israeli dish that I was introduced to was chicken cooked with spinach and chickpeas.

However, my roasted chicken this recent Purim was cooked in garlic, tomatoes, capsicum, red onion, olive oil, a glass of red wine, and when the chicken was cooked I included some spinach and of course a tin of chick peas.

In this video Dr Greger from Nutrition Facts shares some research on lentils and chickpeas.

I must admit that I also like red kidney beans, butter beans, borlotti beans and baked beans very much. In fact when I was little beans were one of my favourite foods to eat. So make sure that you have beans on your menu every week and don't forget to eat some red lentils. In America they found that Latino's were living longer than Americans because they eat three times the amount of beans that Americans eat. 

As far as germinating my seeds are concerned, the broccoli seeds that I put in last weekend have already sprouted and are quite leggy, so I am going to have to repot them. The cucumber and courgette seeds are also doing great and within days they will have to be potted too.

Tomato seeds have sprouted although growing slower than the other seedlings. Once potted, I will be able to put in some different seeds, and I think it shall be some pak choi and lettuce. New capsicum seeds are also ready to go in.

I am going to try the lemon seeds again this year, and also the melon seeds, as I started  the melon seeds to late last year.

The herbs were quite dry as we have had quite a lot of sun in the UK, so I've given them a good watering today to help them along. Moved the lavender and blueberry bush now in their third year so that they can get more sunshine.

The patio apple tree is showing signs of Spring time, the Goji berries have green leaves. Nice weather we are having in my location today, it's lovely being able to open the windows and door to let in the fresh air. I hope to put the sunflower seeds into the ground this week, as they were so lovely last year.

Cooking today, making my almond cake that was mentioned in a dream last night. I've started putting ginger syrup into my almond cake to replace sugar, it goes great just a large spoonful.


What's on the menu today, finish up the chick peas in their sauce, and have it with an avocado salad with humous. I shall also have some marinated fish, marinated herring, and anchovies with egg mayo. Make sure you eat plenty of oily fish. A healer asked me if I eat bread with that, I responded that I eat as little bread as possible, as I have an allergy related to it.

Bread has too much yeast and if I have too much of it I have an allergic reaction to it from my body. So I usually limit the bread to an occasional sandwich, or to have with soup or when I have an English breakfast. Of course I do eat flat breads when appropriate and enjoy them, I also make my own flat breads, no yeast. I think a lot of people are told that they are allergic to wheat when in fact they are allergic to yeast.

Yeast can also cause candida for people that eat too much bread, those are the people that often have a reaction to a Dr Atkins keto diet. It's only when they try a keto diet that they discover that they have a candida health issue because when they stop eating bread their bodies respond.

I was fine on a Keto diet when I tried it nearly twenty years ago, although I went through a huge sugar detox in the first two weeks, even had the shakes while detoxing from sugar. The Keto diet is great if you adapt it to suit your taste buds.

It also changes the way that you view the food that you eat and it does change your food habits if you take it seriously. What I liked about the Keto diet was that I could still have a couple of glasses of white wine, and I was shedding weight. I shed between 6-7lbs as soon as I went into ketosis, after that I was shedding 2lbs a week. I felt so energetic, so healthy, it was so powerful.

So I am detoxing from sugar again, only this time I am doing it slowly, by not including sugar in what I cook. Although I do like my sprouts roasted in honey and oats, so lovely.

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